Tim Woodcock is a native and resident of Bangor, Maine. He attended Bowdoin College and the University of Maine School of Law. He worked for Senator William Cohen for several years, including nearly a year as an Associate Counsel on the Senate Iran-Contra Committee. He has been engaged in the private practice of law in Bangor since 1987. He is a partner in the firm of Weatherbee, Woodcock, Burlock & Woodcock. He served as a Bangor City Councilor from 1995 to 1998, including a term as Mayor of Bangor.
In 1998, Tim helped found the East-West Highway Association and served as its president for the next three years. He has advocated for a regional approach to the creation of economic opportunity throughout the International Northeast.
Tim has recently been designated by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen as the project coordinator for the development of the William S. Cohen Center at the University of Maine. The Cohen Center will develop its expertise on the International Northeast.