Cross Border Regions Roundtable
Ottawa, Canada
March 6-7, 2006

Across Canada, the federal government called together policy analysts, businesspeople, community leaders, academics to discuss cross border regions. It was a follow up to the interim report released in November by the Policy Research Initiative of the Privy Council Office.

The report, titled The Emergence of Cross-Border Regions, explains, “

The Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) opened a new era in Canada-US relations, not only in the area of economic relations but, more generally, in the ways the two countries interact. The economic consequences have been extensive, and largely positive, but another manifestation of this new relationship has been the growing extent of links of various kinds between the two countries – especially between adjacent and nearby areas along the border.” To read the complete interim report, click here.

After the regional meetings, the PRI in cooperation with the Canada – America Border Trade Alliance invited a select group to Ottawa to provide more feedback on these cross border regions.

AIMS president Brian Lee Crowley was one of seven people invited to speak to the Cross Border Roundtable.

Below are links to PDF versions of the seven presentations made to this prestigious gathering.