Dearth of Opportunity: Tax Burden and Youth Outmigration in Atlantic Canada

Young residents of all four Atlantic provinces have made clear for decades that the best economic opportunities lie outside their home province. For every year since 1985-1986, more young people in their early 20s moved out of each Atlantic province than moved into it from elsewhere in Canada. Over the ...
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Revisiting the Minimum Wage in Atlantic Canada

Legislating further increases to the minimum wage would likely worsen youth unemployment in Atlantic Canada. Evidence shows that minimum wages price low-skilled persons out of work and reduce the opportunity for training and experience among young people. Given these effects, raising the wage floor is bad policy. New research published ...
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The Road Ahead: Options for Reforming Registry Service Delivery

Halifax, NS / St John’s, NL – As governments around the world face harsh budgetary and demographic challenges, a study released today by the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (AIMS) says Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador are on the right track when considering registry reforms as a viable economic ...
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The 99% Solution

The “occupation” campaign has heightened awareness concerning income distribution in developed and emerging economies around the world. Critics of the campaign argue that, with no apparent leadership or clear demands, it is a poorly-conceived ‘grump-fest’. Sympathizers assert that it is a grassroots expression of disapproval of a further income skew ...
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Young Love

With an aging population, low birth and immigration rates, and ‘brain drain’, Atlantic Canada faces major challenges for business and economic growth.  Gen Y’ers unique characteristics, such as adept use of technology and project-oriented attachment in the workforce, may be the key to revitalizing the Atlantic Canadian economy. In this ...
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